Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Well Balanced Breakfast

This morning Mrs. Awesome decides to inform me that my version of a well balanced breakfast is in fact not a well balanced meal. Honestly, I was attempting to have a well balanced breakfast when I sat down to eat the following

That's right for breakfast I chose to have a Sprite and leftover breadsticks from the Olive Garden. I have to say it was damn good even in the nutritional value wasn't as high as it should've been. Mrs. Awesome continued by saying that I should have the same breakfast she was having with the children. I will admit that the breakfast they were eating this morning was very balanced.

Their main dish being a bowl of oatmeal, which I hate. I cannot stomach oatmeal for the life of me. I don't enjoy the texture. I honestly feel sick from the minute I put it in my mouth. On the side, they had a piece of toast, a few strawberries, and milk to drink. Mrs. Awesome always tries to start our children out with a decent breakfast so this is typical for them. She had almost convinced that I will be dying at an early age because of my poor eating habits when the Professor came to my rescue.

"You know what?" He began without even specifying who he was speaking to.

Mrs. Awesome took the bait, "What sweetie?" She asked him while still eating her oatmeal.

"Bacteria is getting in our food right now," he stated very matter of factualy.

By this time, I had finished eating my two breadsticks and told Mrs. Awesome, "This is why you don't eat a balanced breakfast. There is less time for bacteria to climb in your food."