Saturday, November 22, 2008

Weekend Randomness

Friday afternoon the Jock and I accompanied Mrs. Awesome on her quest to spend two hours of her life lusting over an immortal vampire. Mrs. Awesome would love to trade in her awesomeness to become a Cullen. For those of you who have been living under rocks I am talking about Twilight. Mrs. Awesome adores the series. I have read it and don’t dislike it, but have no love for Edward Cullen. The Jock read the first book and has started the second, so we went with her. It wasn’t a bad movie nor was it a wonderful film. It falls somewhere in between on the scale.

Today (Saturday) the Jock, the Princess, and the Joker had basketball games at the local high school. It was an organized event that lasted most of the afternoon. The Jock scored 8 points even though his team lost. The Princess’ team won without much help from her. They don’t keep score in the Joker’s league. I guess they think that a little friendly competition isn’t good for five year olds. I think that they should, but you’ll be surprised to know that no one asked my opinion when they came up with the league rules.

After we left the games we went to Red Lobster. I was amazed by my children’s behavior and no because they were bad. They were all very well behaved. Two elderly women came up and complimented them. It makes you feel good when your offspring don’t act like a bunch of heathens in public.

Later in the mall, Mrs. Awesome stayed inside a store purchasing some items while I took the children out into the center of the mall. We were right beside Santa Claus who wasn’t busy at all. The kids all waved at him, but wouldn’t be able to have their official business because their clothes weren’t up to par with Mrs. Awesome’s standards. I gave the children permission to go say hello to Santa. The Joker just wouldn’t go over to him. I asked him what was going on. He said, “I can’t see Santa. I don’t have my catalog.” Yeah he wants to take the big toy book where he has circled every item with him when he sees Santa. Mrs. Awesome thinks he just wants to be sure Santa gets it right.

-Captain Awesome


Erica said...

AHAHHA. Well, Santa DOES need pictures to help him out. What does The Professor want for Christmas this year?

Mary said...

Your kids sound fabulous! I am a huge twilight fan like your wife (although I'm more of a Jacob fan than an Edward fan) and I thought the movie was mediocre crap.

If your wife enjoyed Eclipse, have her come check out my blog. I am doing a fanfiction series from Jacob's point of view which takes place during Eclipse.

Serene Silence said...

Oh my gosh...I can just picture him going up to Santa with his catalog...THAT'S HILARIOUS!

Your children never cease to amaze me!